A kickstarter stretch goal to Spindlewheel, "Looking at the Winter World and Yearning" is an expansion pack of 15 cards that explore the harsh beauty of the coldest months of the year filtered through a wistful longing for closeness, illustrated by josie robo and written by Ray Felix Carter. In their words:
"Looking at the Winter World and Yearning is a deck about seeing yourself in the coldest parts of nature, noticing the joys of winter and trying to love what you have while you wait for spring. It's a wistful deck, filled with hoping, hurting, wanting and trying hard to connect; there's a soft heart at its centre that notices beauty in small unsuspecting things and makes them big. The deck should shape your game into something hopeful and tender, slow and meditative. Refer to this deck to deepen your senses of wonder and curiosity, and to treat each other gently while you play."